
That was unexpected!
But in  good way!
Boy George has always been a weak spot for me. He is such a cutie pie. And of course in fashion terms the highlight would be when George was with Culture Club, and much was made his androgynous appearance. There was speculation about his sexuality which makes you think – can you really tell one persons sexual orientation by the way they dress? And the answer would be yes, fashion and clothing can be such a tell sign. Anyway, although he never flatly denied that he was gay, when asked in interviews about his sexual orientation, George gave various answers. He gave a famous, oft-quoted response to an interviewer that he preferred “a nice cup of tea” to sex. Amen to his words! I guess anyone would be able to relate sometimes….
In fashion terms he had a quirky and bizarre appearance, striking, of course! But you remember him and sometimes this is enough. Because we are human beings and we all want to make an impression and be remembered.

Good night with an amazing song of his: